5 Benefits of Turmeric for Health

5 Benefits of Turmeric for Health

Here are the benefits of turmeric for health:

Turmeric or commonly referred to as turmeric is an herb and native medicine from Southeast Asia. This plant then spread to Indonesia, Malaysia, Africa and Australia. Turmeric is included in the ginger group, Zingiberaceae.
Every Indonesian must know what turmeric is, plants that have the scientific name Curcuma longa are one type of spice found in Indonesia, this is indeed a distinctive spice in every dish. In fact, almost every region in Indonesia uses turmeric as the main ingredient in its cooking.
Turmeric also has other names in every area such as janar (Banjar), konyet (Madura), koneng (Sunda), kurkuma (Dutch), and turmeric (Malaysia and Indonesia). Aside from being a spice of turmeric, it is also used as a natural dye in food, namely yellow and as a natural preservative.
Many people who do not know that turmeric turns out to have enormous benefits other than as a spice in cooking. What are they? Here are the benefits of turmeric that is not widely known by people.

1. Cleanse the BodyWhen a woman is experiencing menstruation it is usually recommended to drink herbal turmeric tamarind. Now the suggestion turns out to be true, because the benefits of turmeric can be to cleanse dirty blood from menstruation itself. Turmeric will launch menstrual blood and prevent blood clots that can cause serious illness in the uterus.Turmeric is also useful in preventing bleeding during menstruation. Not infrequently many women experience bleeding during menstruation, this usually occurs due to hormonal changes or caused by an illness. Therefore a woman must be vigilant.In addition, the function of turmeric is also able to prevent blood odor due to menstruation. If all this time you are quite disturbed by the smell of menstrual blood then you should drink turmeric when the red day arrives.

2. Removing Excess Gas in the IntestineColds. Yes, a common disease in this community is the result of excessive gas in the body, especially the stomach. And when colds occur usually many people are looking for drugs. The drugs sought are usually in the form of herbs or drugs that can warm the body.But did you know that turmeric can actually remove excessive gas in the stomach. To be able to get the benefits of this one turmeric, you can simply make a mixture of boiled turmeric and drink a glass of water, then drink it regularly. That way the excess wind in the body will disappear and the wind will heal.

3. As an Antiseptic and Itchy DrugThe benefits of turmeric which is then able to treat itching and as an antiseptic. If you have itchy skin problems such as allergies, biduran, etc., you should try to drink a mixture of turmeric.

4. Treating Flu and FeverTurmeric can also reduce infections caused by viruses and bacteria that attack the body, one of which is the cause of flu and fever. If you are experiencing these two diseases, you should immediately drink the turmeric concoction to get well soon, because the benefits of turmeric are indeed undoubted.

5. Maintain Skin HealthTurmeric can protect the skin from the onset of aging and acne. Acne that arises is often caused by infection with P. Acne bacteria and blockage of skin pores. And turmeric is useful to relieve infections due to these bacteria. In addition, turmeric is also able to ward off free radicals that can cause skin aging. To be able to get the benefits of this one turmeric, you can use turmeric as a natural face mask.

It turns out that the benefits of turmeric are very good for our body, Quite a few are not the benefits of turmeric that can be obtained? So, what are you waiting for? Try and feel the benefits yourself.

#healhty #turmeric #curcuma

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